Ouija Board Origins And How To Use It

Are Ouija Boards Real? Do They Really Work?

Are Ouija Boards dangerous? Don’t be frightened as you read this article. Is it alright to use a Ouija board on Halloween? Are they are alright to use ever? Is there a right way or a wrong way to use Ouija boards? When were Ouija boards invented? Where does the word Ouija come from?

There are answers to these questions in this article so it’s probably a great idea for you to stay tuned in. I have a unique perspective in my own life experience as a Psychic that you might find valuable so keep reading!

Brief History On Ouija Boards

To understand the Ouija origins, it’s good to have a bit of the history behind these mystical tools. Ouija boards (talking boards) were created starting in 1886 as part of the spiritual movement. William Fuld inventor of Ouija boards was also inventor of many other games with his family

People wanted to reach out to the dead to ask them questions or even gain insight on their lives or the spirit’s past life.

The Word Ouija comes from Helen Peters in 1890 in Baltimore. She was using the boards with her brother Elijah.

They had actually asked what they should call the board and their response was “Ouija” and so the name was born! The spirit told her the word meant good luck. I wonder if they were being lied to or if that was the truth… Either way, that’s how the name originated.

Now you might be asking “What is the planchette and what is it used for?” Well the planchette is a wooden, glass, or plastic tool shaped much like a spade. Some have a whole in the center to help hover above the letter. Some do not have a hole and simply point out the letters.

There are also these amazing tools that are called automatic writers that have the planchette shape only they have pegs high enough to allow for an ink pen to be put through a small hole on it and basically it moves just like the Ouija planchette except it will actually write letters or words on paper under it rather than spelling things out on a board.

There are some excellent Ouija board historians out there. One of the very best is a friend of mine, Robert Murch. He is chairman of the Talking Board Historical Society that he is also founder of. Check out his site for his wealth of historical knowledge.

The Ouija board from Ouija origins of Evil movie is a beautiful example of what the boards and planchettes look like. Of course you can buy Ouija boards online via Etsy, eBay, or even Amazon. You can also go to stores locally like Spencer’s Gifts, Barnes & Noble, or even Hot Topic carries them on occasion. You might check your local new age store.

They often have lots of cool stuff like sage, sweetgrass, several types of precious stones, candles, jewelry, books, and of course, Ouija board game, pendulums, tarot cards, oracle cards, etc. This might be a great way to buy since you will need to be using some of this stuff in order to have successful Ouija board sessions.

Are Ouija Boards Dangerous?

Ouija boards are a form of communication with the dead. They are just like any other tool that one would use to connect with the other side. There are letters that allow for spelling answers out or access the already present "yes" or "no".

What people's concerns are is if using this will open up a portal for unsavory dead people or demons to come on through. The truth is, you can do that by simply asking a spirit to communicate with you no matter what device you're using including yourself.

When people ask to be touched, make a noise, or give a sign of their presence, they are inviting the unknown in. Be warned, using anything including just you... you are opening a door.

Seances are definitely a way to open up a door. Whether you're with a medium who is experienced or you're trying it on your own with friends, you're giving an invitation. The famous Fox sisters used this method quite a bit to contact the dead. They were the pioneers of Spiritualism beginning in 1848.

Now all that being said, using an Ouija board is no different. Should you use it? Should you use on on Halloween? Keep reading... I've got more... So are Ouija boards dangerous? Well, they can be according to intention and whether or not you use protection.

How To Play Ouija The Right Way

There are plenty of movies (Ouija, Ouija: Origins of Evil, Witchboard, The Exorcist, and endless other titles), YouTube videos on Ouija boards, and books that tell you to use the method that comes with the board when you buy it. You can but you don't have to for it to work.

Some think you have to use the saying and rules that the boards come with in the box. The truth is, you can make it your own and do it your way as long as you are safe. I just want to teach you the basics so that you can get started. If you want to use the rules it comes with that’s fine but it may limit you.

Just keep in mind that as long as you have good intention, you’re with good intention people, and you’re using a method of protection, you will be fine whether you’re in a house, graveyard, or in a haunted location it really doesn’t matter. Safety first!

I’ve done many podcasts and lectures over the years about Ouija boards. You can type in Jen Devillier or Jen Jons in YouTube or even Google and you’ll find a whole lot on my educational teaching about this mystical communication tool.

Here's where my experience comes in. I start by burning some incense or sage and saying a prayer to Archangel Michael for assistance and protection. I take a few deep breaths to relax and then I ask for the channel to be open.

I then call to the other side by saying a particular name or just asking anyone to come through who doesn't have harmful intent. If you ever feel scared or worried, your intuition is telling you it's bad so you'll want to stop and close it out OR you can say "you are not invited negative spirit, I only want to speak to those with good intentions, you must leave now!".

Once you get one talking to you and everything is going well, I need you to remember something VERY important!...


Not all spirits are going to tell you the truth. They aren't always going to be who you called for and may give you incorrect information. The reason why is...

They don't know your future or anything else. They only know what is in their own time period from when they were alive. If they are intelligent (meaning they are aware and can talk to you), they can observe anyone where they are. That doesn't mean they know your future though.

When you're using a Ouija, you truly have to tune yourself in so that you can get a feel for if the one you're talking to is telling you the truth or not. Your own intuition plays a HUGE role in this.

Again, if you ask for someone very well known to come through, they may not at all. Another playful spirit may pretend to be them. They'd have to have all correct answers you already know BUT...

They can read your thoughts so you'd have to not be thinking of the answer otherwise they'll spell it out. The thing is... they are somewhat using YOU to communicate through so it's not just the board.

In essence, Ouija isn't that much different from a pendulum to connect to spirit which can have the same results. They often are not correct and require your own intuition.

Saying “Goodbye” When Closing Out Your Ouija Board Session

Alright so... when you are done with your session, you're going to need to close it out the right way. You cannot just let go of the planchette and walk away otherwise you've left a doorway open and this is where souls or demons can come right on through.

If you are doing this with other people then you don’t want to break your circle until you’re done either. Be really careful about just putting it down and walking away. Not shutting down the Ouija board session could cause you problems.

What I typically will do is actually call to Archangel Michael again to assist me on ending the session safely. I then tell the spirits thank you for participating and I also let them know I'm closing the door and all that came through must return to where they were as no one is allowed to stay. Make sure that your sage or incense is sweeping across your board.

I don’t typically say Goodbye because what I say shuts the door and that’s that. You can say goodbye but be sure you shut the door to the session as well because if you don’t you may have ghosts roaming or following you!

That will successfully close things out and you should be safe. Of course if you don't believe in Angels then look to what you do believe in and find out what their safety prayers or rituals require. You can light white candles if you like as well.

It’s crucial you find a method of protection that you feel most comfortable with via your belief system whether that’s Wiccan, Nordic, Celtic, Christian, or even if you’re an Atheist you have to believe in something enough to use it as protection. Whether or not you believe in the ghosts you’re speaking with; they believe in you.

Ouija Boards… Not A Game!

It actually states that it's a game on the box. It's definitely not a game but it is a tool. If it was a game, it wouldn’t be causing some people to bring ghosts and demons into their homes. I don't recommend using it as an Ouija board game.

Do not drink or take drugs. You need a clear mind so that you can protect yourself and not draw in the wrong types of spirits. Trust me when I tell you that when you’re vulnerable, you can get attacked without even knowing it. You may black out momentarily and what happens later could be really scary.

Also, do not use with people who are intoxicated. They can accidentally bring something through as well. Do not play with negative people that can tilt your session to something dark. Even someone who does not believe and is laughing it off can bring something through that wants to show him they exist.

Be sure you're with people who are clear minded and want nothing but the best out come and are open to the experience of touching the other side.

My Life Experience With Ouija Boards

I've been making Ouija boards and using them since I was a young kid. I've never had an evil creeper come through much less a demon. Then again, I never had negative intent.

I used my boards to talk to my spirit guides as I did not know yet how to communicate with them without a device. Eventually I did learn and now don't need them for that purpose.

Yes, I knew it was my guide because he always used the same way of talking to me. If it deviated, it wasn't him. It's the same as when you talked to a passed over loved one.

They will talk to you how they did in life. If they do not, it's not them so be aware of that!

I do still make Ouija boards when I have the time and I always bless them before I let someone purchase them.

If you still have more questions about Ouija Boards, I have done lectures, podcasts, and a VIDEO interview you may want to check out here<<

Have Fun and Be safe!

Jen Jons - Ask Jen The Mystic


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