Tarot Readings - Are They Really Useful?

Are Tarot Cards Evil or Do They Help?

As a Psychic Medium, I do use many different methods to get the information needed for my clients. One of the methods I use is the Tarot Cards. I think for you to really understand more about this topic; you should learn first is the history of the tarot.

Let’s take a look into where tarot cards came from and why. How did they become what they are in the current times? Stick with me and find out what’s really behind the Tarot.

The Basic Tarot Card History

In the 1400’s, some men in Italy decided they would make a new card game that would be really fun. They had playing cards already so they thought they’d use that standard to work with for basics.

Everyone knows that there were and ARE incredible artists in Italy. They decided to have artists do the beautiful pictures on the cards. The cards were a bit more expanded from the regular playing cards.

What I mean by that is when the tarot was created, it used the four suits from playing cards but also added in trump cards for the game they put together. A playing card deck is only 52 cards where tarot is 78 cards.

Tarot card games became quite popular throughout Europe after they were created. The suits were changed. Hearts in playing cards became Cups in the tarot just as the Clubs turned to Wands, Diamonds to Pentacles or Coins, and of course, Spades transformed into Swords.

The “trump” cards are all the Major Arcana where the suits are known as the Minor Arcana. Just like the playing cards, the court cards are in each suit as well.

Now, it was more in the 1800’s that the Tarot Game became more than just a game. The rise of Spiritualists was at hand. Not only were they doing seances but they were doing table tapping, Ouija boards, pendulums, and automatic writing. The tarot became used for cartomancy.

The Tarot cards became much more popular since they have now opened up a whole other sect of people using them. The esteemed “Rider-Waite” tarot deck really blew tarot up in a big way.

It was now possible for anyone to get a tarot card deck and use it. The Europeans still currently play the tarot game while others are using it to read fortunes for people. The Rider-Waite became wildly popular for people learning to read the tarot.

In fact, it’s still used to this day for beginners. It’s a deck I definitely recommend for people who want to learn to read. The pictures on the cards are very simplistic and it does come with a mini booklet that teaches you how to use them.

There are also plenty of books that are useful for beginners like the “Tarot For Beginners” book. I used to have this one many years ago. It’s FANTASTIC for learning. If you notice, they use the Rider-Waite deck for illustration.

Aren’t Tarot Cards Satanic?

As creepy as the thought is, no. Nearly every religion has used someone they “consult” with for esoteric information. Some wanted to know the future, some wanted information on their crops, birth, death, and if they would be wealthy.

Keeping that in mind, every person that used divination was called by different names and used different practices. Some were called witches and some where called heathens. It really depends on the religion and on the practice.

Tarot cards aren’t much different than using Astrology, Numerology, Bones, Runes, Tea Leaves, or any other form of gaining information.

To my knowledge having done tarot for many years, has never brought evil upon my doorstep. I do not believe at all that the Tarot is evil. It is a tool to help a person help others. Some use tarot for themselves BUT that doesn’t make them evil either.

No tool that is useful for learning or gaining knowledge of a different type is evil. That’s like saying a hammer is evil because it can hurt people. Correction… the person using the hammer can hurt themselves with a hammer.

If you are looking to find evil, then YOU are dangerous, not the tarot cards. I hope this makes sense as I don’t know how else to explain this.

What is Fortune Telling?

Ah yes, fortune telling. Look, I’m not going to bash people that use fortune telling but this is something that I am against. You’re looking at me like “say what?!”. Not all tarot reading is fortune telling.

Fortune telling is a method of reading the tarot cards with intent on seeing someone’s future. Whether they will meet someone, whether they will marry, if they will be rich, if they will be famous, or any other subject based on the future that hasn’t been determined yet by the questioner.

Over the years I’ve learned that when I use the tarot, it helps people pull out what they already know on some level but don’t trust their own intuition. They get readings from me to help them accept what their gut tells them.

Maybe I give them some insight or ideas they hadn’t thought of. I am not reading their future though. I can see where they are headed if they continue on the path they are on but I cannot tell them definitively if they will end up with someone or get married.

I ethically have a problem doing that as life is subjective. It’s created by the choices we make in our lives. When I read tarot, I tell my client that what I see is where it is and where it will go unless someone changes their mind. Free will is a VERY powerful thing.

I would feel guilty and irresponsible telling them “yes you're going to end up with Clark” when the truth is, he could change his mind or break it off with her. While it looks like he will choose her, something happens and he changes his mind.

This is precisely why people turn their noses up at people who read tarot cards. They hear bad things or how the psychic was wrong, etc. I will never do this.

I read the truth and I tell my client, it’s a subjective thing and it’s going to be based on what happens and what choices are made. Your future is never set in gold folks. It’s all up to what you do and how you deal with it.

How Tarot Cards Help People

Why get a tarot reading? Well, if you really are stuck in life and aren’t sure what to do next, your intuition has the answer but you’re so stressed or worried that you don’t listen. The tarot can help bring out the truth of the matter.

Typically you’ll know as the reading will resonate with you or it won’t. If it doesn’t then perhaps you’re just not accepting what you are hearing OR the person reading for you isn’t the right one to read for you.

Psychics are like therapists (without a license). We help many but not all resonate with us. Typically the person you’re meant to find to read for you, will magically appear in your life somehow. Their name comes up or you see them somewhere.

Trust the signs and you'll get what you need. I know I’ve personally helped many people with their love life but I’ve also helped people to figure out what they should do with their lives, and how to heal from emotional pain.

I’m simply giving you examples of how the tarot helps people when I use them. Some people don’t trust other forms of divination but they are comfortable with the tarot. For example, I also use the oracle cards and astrology.

The tarot cards are just more comfortable for many people. Some return to me and are open now to letting me use whichever method works with me for them.

I’d like to think that if used properly, the tarot cards can be very useful. Personally, I rarely use them for myself as it’s really hard to be objective about what you see. You try to reason with it or dismiss it. Reading for others is far better.

In fact if I feel I need more information than what my guides give me personally, I will seek out a close friend to consult for me with spirit or with cards.

Now that you know about the Tarot Cards, hopefully you will let me do the honors of doing a reading for you. Please click here now to choose a reading.

I really hope this gave you true insight on Tarot cards and the practices involved. I also help this makes you less fearful to trust in me to do readings for you.

It’s my lot in life to help as many people as I can.

Lots of Good Health, Love, and Prosperity to you all!

Jen L. Jons


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