Retrograde Meaning In Astrology

The Truth Behind Planetary Retrogrades

I so often hear things like “Oh no another Mercury retrograde!”. I also hear people excusing their bad behaviors or responses on Mercury. The truth is, you are making those decisions yourself as you control your own actions.

What is the real deal about when planets retrograde? What does it mean?  How does it affect our lives? Is it all a bunch of crap?

No, it’s not a bunch of crap. There are true lessons that planetary retrogrades teach us but you have to be willing to pay attention and learn. If you’re really ready then keep reading! I want to help you understand better.


What Does Retrograde Mean?

There is actually a great quote in the Farmer’s Almanac that says: “As the name suggests, retrograde is when a planet appears to go backward in its orbit, as viewed from Earth. Astronomers refer to this as “apparent retrograde motion,” because it is an optical illusion. The opposite of retrograde is direct or prograde motion.”

When a planet goes into retrograde it tends to mean that the planet has slowed down and in some cases begins to move backwards. It depends on the trajectory and when it’s happening.

Planets do not move on our time. We move on theirs. Let’s get that straight!

Ok so knowing that part we need to understand how this impacts us. When a planet slows down, it’s important to know where as far as what sign it’s in at the time and where this is in your birth chart.

Typically where it is and where it’s going to linger for awhile or go backwards will determine how it’s going to affect your life.

A retrograde is typically makes the energy rather thick and hard to navigate if you don’t know what is going on.

When you learn where it is and what area of your life it’s going to be dealing with, you can actually cope and learn from it. Retrogrades are actually meant to be very helpful.

Naturally each planet and the sign it’s in is going to determine how it may help you. This is actually a wealth of knowledge!!! If you really want to know who you really are, take advantage of the retrograding planets.


When The Planets Retrograde

 In truth, all planets retrograde from time to time. Some do it for a short period (like Mercury) and some can go on for years. Some are more difficult lessons to get through while some are quick and a bit easier.

Can these planet retrogrades cause you to act differently? Well in truth, they can BUT they are not responsible for you. YOU have to learn to control what you say and do without placing the blame elsewhere.

So that being said, each planet has something to offer.  Examples would be Venus. This planet is known for love, beauty, and all things good! This would be good emotions, family, lovers, and things that make you happy.

When Venus retrograde hits, it slows down in whatever sign it’s in at the time. THAT is key to what you can expect for you personally. Right now, Venus is in Virgo. Where it’s located in your chart is something you should explore.

Yep, I can help you!


Example Of A Planet In Retrograde

Now Venus retrograde in Virgo means that things are becoming a bit more serious for you when it comes to love or commitments. Things become real. Those who have no healthy place with you will need to be let go.

Then those who you want to have in your life or keep will require you doing some emotional gardening inside of you. What is it you really want? That is what will help you discover what relationships you want to cultivate or commit more deeply.

Now let’s say this transit is happening in your 7th house of relationships in your birth chart. This would mean that the retrograde is definitely impacting your relationships in a big way.

What lesson do you need to learn? You need to learn how to commit and let go of fears yet you also need to learn to let go of that which doesn’t work well for you. So it’s forcing you to figure your love life out.

It will help you do what is best for you because that’s what Venus does.

Are there side effects or flaws that come about with this retrograde? There always is with all planets darling.

It’s how you react and respond is what will either help you or annoy you. That’s up to you!

You may find friendships become tense, cause conflict, and feel really out of sorts. Then again, this may be to help you weed people out so it’s forcing people to actually act on their emotions. You can see their true colors but remember, they can see yours also.

Act with compassion and truth no matter what. It may mean you’ll lose people in your life but then this is clearing the plate for others who will be part of your tribe for the long haul.

You see how this works now? I bet you do! Keep pushing forward champion!


The Take Away From Planetary Retrogrades

When people think of Mercury retrograde as a bad thing… it’s absolutely NOT. Yes it can cause us irritation by electronics misbehaving, cars having issues, or even computers at stores you’re shopping at.

Just remember that Mercury is trying to teach you a lesson as all the other planets are. Mercury is known to help your thoughts and how you process things in your life.

When it’s in retrograde, it’s going to help you find better ideas, see things differently, and maybe come up with a new plan for your life that will work.

When irritating things happen associated with Mercury retrograde you really should react in a more flippant way than getting angry, acting out, or speaking to people in the wrong way.

Laugh it off and say something like “oh Mercury, you’re a funny one… I see you!” … it makes it less aggravating, trust me.

Sometimes it’s harder though if it happens to be in a sign or location of your chart that is desperate need for healing. Just keep in mind that it’s going to help you even if it’s hard.


One Last Thing…

Yes there is lots more to this but now you know the basics of how retrogrades work and how they actually help rather than hinder. If you ever want more insight or help with your birth chart, I’m here for you.

I do basic chart readings often and it does usually help my clients understand themselves better and they are able to handle it with grace when those retrogrades kick in.

If you’d like any help from me, please don’t be afraid to reach out! Here is the link you can order from if you’d like to get it done right away: Basic Astrology Chart.

Now if you’d like to know which planets are retrograde and how they will effect you particularly, I can do that too. I have a transit report you may be interested in. Click here now if you’d like to do that.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson in regards to the planets retrograding and what it means. I have so much more to teach you so make sure you subscribe to my site so that you can keep up with everything I have to offer you.

Blessings to you all! I really appreciate you more than you know.

Love Always

Jen L. Jons

Ask Jen The Mystic



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